
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

4-3. Manual setup for sharers for DaivX CCTV ( DVR Express )

Normally, most of the setup for EVR Express is done automatically. So, the user can immediately use remote access only after the registration of DDNS.
(For those of you haven’t setup for DDNS, refer to 4-1. Internet setup to register a DDNS ID)

In case of a sharer in discordance with the standard policies for sharers, DVR Express will note you that the setup of the sharer has not been done and bring up a message asking for manual port forwarding ( 3389, 57001 and 57002 ports ).

In the case like that, manual port forwarding in needed.

In the image,
  1) Register DDNS at the Pointer F,
  2) And then, set up the port forwarding of the sharer.

Process to set up the port forwarding of the sharer

For the setup of DDNS for an IP sharer at Pointer C, open the setup box for the IP sharer. To do that, open the Internet Explorer of the sharer-connected computer, i.e. Pointer F, and access using default gateway value. (This is the most common way.)

For the setup of a sharer, refer to the user instructions or visit the website of the sharer manufacturer.

1.<Click on Execution in the start menu and then enter cmd>

2. If you enter "ipconfig /all" in a dos box, you will know the Internet environment connected to the system. Here, check the Default Gateway value.

3. Enter the Default Gateway value in the address line of the Internet browser, and that will bring up the setup box for.

1) Port forwarding setup
2) port forwarding setup/Defined list/User defined/rule name/internal IP address/use the IP of the currently accessed PC/protocol/external port/internal port/add
3) rule name/internal IP/protocol/external port/internal port/delete   

1) Select the port forwarding tab in the setup box.
2) As the private IP of Pointer F is and the remote desktop function of the DVRExpress system uses the port 3389, enter and add as the image shows for registration like ③ 
3) If you want to use the remote access program instead of the remote desktop function, 50000~58000 will be allocated like ④.
Note) DVR Express uses 3389, 57001, 57002 port

FYI!!) sharer initialization
After the installation of DVR, in case of changing the share or moving DVR to a different location, you need a new setup for the sharer as follows.

1. In the network setup box of the configuration, move to the network port setup on the left-hand side.
2. Push the default value button for more than five times consecutively. Finish DVR Express and restart for a new setup.


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