In the Network Setup box of the Configuration, move to Remote Server Setup on the right hand side.
Remote server setup / Use DDNS
Register Dynamic DNS
DNS ID/Password/Confirm Password/DVR Location
Supervisor Confirmation / Register / Delete
1. Check the use of DDNS.
2. Type the ID, password, password confirmation, DVR location(region), etc.
3. Click on the Register button.
Remote server setup / Use DDNS
Register Dynamic DNS
DNS ID/Password/Confirm Password/DVR Location
Supervisor Confirmation / Register / Delete
DVR Report:
1. The DDNS ID you entered has been registered.
4. After successful registration, a popup will show a registration-completed message.
5. When the registration is completed, the DDNS Address will contain the address; the user can now use that address.
The image above shows the address, which means the ID, Dvr has been registered.
After ID registration is completed, the registered ID plus will become the DDNS address.
1) DDNS User registration allows a serial number to be registered only one time, so pay attention to enter correct information. If the user forgets the serial number, they can find it using their DDNS ID and password.
2) If connected through a sharer, DVR Express will automatically proceed with port forwarding. Sharers in discordance with the standard policies for sharers, however, need manual port forwarding. For manual port forwarding, refer to 4-3. Manual setup for sharers for DaivX CCTV (DVR Express). For more details, refer to the user manuals provided by each sharer manufacturer.
At the initial installation and execution of DVR Express, a message will show you whether automatic port forwarding has been performed, or you need manual port forwarding.
Remote Access:
DVR Express provides two ways for remote access.
Here will show you access using the software, DvrExp.exe
DvrExp.exe Program [Downroad]
Remote access program
Connection options
Access ID/Access IP/Password
1) Connect server/change/delete/automatic start
2) Internet transmission frame/frame/transmission quality/quality
3) Internet remote access way
5) Login/cancel
--- General features of the remote connection program ( DvrIntExp ) ---
[1] Access IP, ID and password, [2] Setup transmission quality and frame
[3] Setup a way to access [4] Number of sockets for each channel
[5] Login button
--- Ports that the remote access program uses---
Open the ports of 57001, 5702 and 3389
How to use the remote access program:
1. The execution of DvrIntExp will bring up a box as below.
Access IP box: type the DDBS address that has been registered before.
Access ID and Password box: Enter ID and Password, neither the DDNS nor Windows account ID and password, but the ID and password that have been previously registered in the Network Setup box of the Configuration for DVR Express.
2. If you still haven’t changed the initial setup, you can see the screen from a remote area by logging on to the program with the access ID, ADMIN, and password, 111. Please refer to the user instructions for further details.
Note) After DVR installation, a new setup for a changed sharer or DVR’s new location is needed when necessary. The process is as follows.
1. Share system initialization:
Go to the Network Setup box of the Configuration, and then click the default value button for more than five times consecutively.
Network setup
Network socket setup – default value
Network port setup
Default value
When you push it repeatedly, a message box will bring up to ask whether to return to the default.
1. All conditions will return to the default.
2. After setup, restart DVR. If remote access fails,
3. The sharer needs manual port forwarding.
4. The ports, 3389, 57001, 57002, need to be open.
After the execution of this, restart DVR Express after finishing. And then, DVR Express will proceed with port forwarding after spotting the external sharer.
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