
Thursday, December 9, 2010

DaivX CCTV(DVR Express) - Surveillance by Smart Phone

--Daivx CCTV (DVR Express) surveillance by iPhone (smart phone)

DVR Express of Daivx possesses world best technology of remote accessing using all types of smart phones such as IPhone and Android phone. Also, by providing the cleanest displays, with the possession of smart phones where internet access is possible, the display of the site can be checked by accessing.

Furthermore, when deciding the camera angles which are in the completion of installation, it would be easier for the professional installation dealers to use this smart phone remote access function.

Below is a video, directly showing the world best technology and image quality of DVR Express.
Watch, compare, and experience.

The below video not only displays remote surveillance through smart phones, but directly displays remote searching. Furthermore, no loss transfer technology of DVR Express is applied to smart phones as it is, so the cleanest image quality can be viewed.

1. Place of installation: bookstore
2. Product of installation: DVR Express HD
3. content:
    a) Install DVR Express HD on computer
    b) The monitor shows remote access screen, while also showing the access from a smart phone (I Phone).
    d) The user can search without staying on surveillance on smart phones, and by expanding and reducing the display, it can be seen that a clear display can be shown from smart phones as well.
    e) When searching with smart phones, the desired channel out of 8 or more channels can be selected and searched.

Next, to fix the difficulty in determining from the small display of smart phones, when DVR Express undergoes remote surveillance by smart phones, it provides a function which allows selection and expansion of the images. Also, as no loss transfer technology is applied to smart phones as it is, the cleanest image quality can be viewed.

Furthermore, multiple accesses are possible on smart phones, and each can use separate functions.

1. Place of installation: bookstore
2. Product of installation: DVR Express HD
3. Content:
a) Remote access screen is being shown on the monitor, and is showing the simultaneous access from 2 smart phones (IPhone).
b) The user can search without staying on surveillance on smart phones, and by expanding and reducing the display, it can be seen that a clear display can be shown from smart phones as well.
c) The availability of multiple accesses, multiple surveillance function, and multiple remote search function of smart phones is being shown.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

DaivX CCTV(DVR Express) - Internet Setting and Access

The method DVR Express remote surveillance supports,
1. DvrInt Exp remote access method, 2. remote desktop connection method

DvrIntExp remote access method is used in places where internet is not fast or use modem. Remote desktop connection method operates by interlocking with DVR Express virtual engine. The virtual engine which uses duel streaming supports level Real D1 of DVR Express HD to be seen from remote areas, and displays outstanding performance on remote searching.

Here, two methods of basic remote searching and remote desktop connection will be explained.

1. Method of using remote access program (DvrIntExp.exe)
This program can be downloaded from Daivx homepage ( or shopping mall (

--- Composition of remote access program (DvrIntExp) ---
[1] Access IP and ID, pass word, [2] transferring quality and transferring frame setup
[2] access method setup, [4] number of sockets managing in each channels
[5] log in button

---port used by remote access program---
Open up 57001, 5702, 3389 ports.

Remote access program method:
1. After activating DvrIntExp, a window as shown in the image pops up.
Access IP window: enter the registered DDNS Address (DDNS registration method will be explained on the next tab)
Access ID and password window: enter ID and password. Points to be considered, they are not DDNS ID and password or window access account ID as mentioned previously, but the ones registered in DVR Express configuration user administration window.

2. If the setup from initial installation has not been changed, as from the picture, if logged in as access ID of ADMIN and password 111, displays can be seen from the remote area. Refer to detailed instructions for further information on remote access program.

2. Remote desktop access method.
Access simply, by following the order as shown in the below image.
1) start button-> run, 2) enter mstsc, 3) enter, 4) log in as ID: dvr, Pw: 1
Note) The above access DDNS is remote display from Daivx.

Setting of remote desktop access features is easy, and access is available without any installation of specific programs. Also, the virtual engine which uses duel streaming, supports level Real D1 of DVR Express HD to be seen from remote areas, and displays outstanding performance on remote searching.

Initialization of DVR Express router of network preference

-cases where initialization of router is required:
1. Cases where router setup was randomly changed.
2. Cases where DVR router has changed.
3. Cases where DVR has been moved to a different location.
If remote accessing of DVR does not work due to the above reasons, DVR Express port setup needs to be returned to the initial value. The method is as follows.
- Router initialization
In network setup tab in configuration, press default value setup button 5 times or more in a row.

When pressed continuously, a message confirming the initialization of the router will be displayed. 

After the activation, shutting off and restarting DVR Express will progress another port forwarding setup, after finding a router from outside.

DaivX CCTV(DVR Express) - DDNS registration

DVR Express internet configuration method allows remote access function straight after the registration of ID and password.

Go to network setup tab in configuration, and move to remote server configuration on the right.
1. Tick DDNS use.
2. Enter DDNS ID, password, check password, DVR location.
3. Click registration button.

4. When normal registration is completed, pop-up will display a registration completion message.
5. After the completion of registration, it is recorded in DDNS Adress tab. The user may use the DDNS Address recorded here.

The image shows that the DDNS address when the registered ID is Dvr is
When ID is registered, “registration ID +” becomes DDNS Address.

1) DDNS user registration can only be registered once per serial. The information should be entered with caution during first registration. In cases where the serial is lost, it can be found by using DDNS ID and password.

2) When DVR is connected through a router, DVR Express automatically performs port forwarding. However, routers which do not follow the standard router policy require manual port forwarding. Refer to the manual of the routers for manual port forwarding.

Only, when DVR Express is installed and activated for the first time, a message informs if port forwarding has been done automatically, or if manual port forwarding is required.

Multiple Store Management

When using VMS function of DVR Express, CCTV installed in many locations can be under focused surveillance from one location.

The next video shows two separate CCTV locations being accessed remotely, with the left monitor undergoing surveillance and the right monitor undergoing searches.

DaivX CCTV(DVR Express) - Pop-up Alert

DVR Express has “pop-up alert function”.
This in general, the consumers using DVR do not always watch the surveillance screen, and uses computer for internet and document operations in many cases.

With these cases, when people come in at specific time on specific channel, it is a function which brings the display of the channel.

2. This setup in DVR Express can be done as follows.
a) Go to configuration tab, and tick “use pop-up channel” on wanted channels.
By ticking these, a pop-up window will display a message that instructs to go to the schedule tab and to decide the time slot for the pop-up function to run.

b) On the schedule configuration tab, a pop-up notice time slot button will appear.
Tick this, and choose the time slot for the pop-up.

DaivX CCTV(DVR Express) - Monitoring

DVR Express main program is composed as shown.
--1. Main Skin mode
Search button: see previous recordings
Surveillance state indicator: shows if the display is being recorded
Configuration button: DVR’s configuration change or confirmation
When a movement is detected on the corresponding screen, the corresponding channel turns red, and displays its recording.

--2. Search Skin mode
Calendar: choosing the desired date
Replay function: many functions on the method of replay
Time slot selection: choosing the desired time slot
The search mode of DVR Express has been made intuitively.
The search is done by the order of date selection --> time selection --> replay button.

For channel (channel 1~channel 4) users and people who prefer to use the functions of computer other than the DVR function, DVR Express provides basic skin mode.

--3. Basic surveillance mode
1) When changed to basic mode, when using only 2 cameras, the two displays are shown as below, and other computer functions can be used.

2) When 2 channel user increases the number of channels to 4, DVR Express becomes aware of this and displays the 4 channels as shown below, and maximized the comfort of the users with low band of channels.
Note) DVR Express automatically becomes aware of the screen extension of 2, 4, 9 and 16, and extends the channel.

DaivX CCTV(DVR Express) - Rapid Search

DVR Express is one of the products with the most exceptional search algorithms in the area of CCTV.
It is not too much to say that when incidents occur, CCTV recorders exist to search for the wanted images.

Here, by strengthening the search algorithm, the method of determining the time distribution of the scene in the current channel and the method of quick search will be shown.

1. The time distribution bar of DVR Express CCTV is fairly large compared to other DVRs.
This increases the legibility of hour, minute and second search, and it is for a quick response when the consumer clicks on the desired time.
-- Time distribution bar of DVR Express CCTV --

As shown from the above image, the recording is from 8:00 to 20:00.
1) This means that this store opened after and around 8 o’clock, and closed before 20:00.
2) To click to search for 16:00, it can be seen that the minutes 18, 44 and 46-48 has been recorded, and this represents the number of people who have been captured by the camera.
Example) if this place was storage, the storage usage on the corresponding time can be determined intuitively.

2. The below video shows choosing of the particular time zone instantly after looking at the recording distribution of the current channel.

DaivX CCTV(DVR Express) - Panorama Search

One of the exceptional search functions of DVR Express is the panorama function.
Panorama function is used to understand the situations before and after the important incident scene.
For general consumers, when analyzing the image of giving and receiving products, this is a very handy function.
This scene is a capture of the panorama search screen.

The above image
1) shows the process of panorama searching and image capturing function here.
2) When capturing an important scene in panorama state, the consecutive images can be seen in order and also in the opposite order, so it could bring a decisive assistance when determining the accuracy of the case.
3) shows how searching is done by pressing the search button.

Remote Search beyond Remote Surveillance

The phase “Go beyond remote surveillance, remote search” clearly shows the aim of the DVR Express product.

The possibility of DVR’s remote search function means that all of the image surveillance can be done through network, and there is no need for unnecessary construction for surveillance camera cables.

Furthermore if this is possible, there is no need for a monitor, keyboard and mouse for the recorder and only the recorder needs to be present.

This means that the technology which many DVR developers hoped to achieve to this day,
the function of bringing all the functions of CCTV and DVRs to network, in other words the VMS function, has been firmly produced.